As Facilitators at various enterprise programmes
The Enterprise programmes have different themes, however most involve small teams of students setting up companies producing a product and a marketing campaign and then presenting their findings.
The Role of the facilitator would be to assist teachers and EBSI facilitators with the programme. Help students understand the tasks and timeframes. Answer students questions and guide them towards solutions to problems and be part of a presentation judging panel.
As Workshop Leaders
Normally for Career Taster Days, companies are asked to provide workshops to advise career paths in their industry and provide a typical practical activity from their business that students can take part in.
Workshops are repeated 3 times during the event.
Schools normally require up to 14 workshops different career areas which they specify.
As Interviewers
Individuals are required to carry out practice interviews with students on a one-to-one basis. Normally up to 8 interview sessions per day for each volunteer. This is a good way for company representatives to practice their interview techniques in a safe environment.
As Facilitators in skills workshops
As part of a ‘Skills for Work’ Day, students take part in workshops on customer service, interviewing and job application skills, health and safety in the workplace and psychometric testing. Employer volunteers can help facilitate or lead on the sessions.
At Primary School Events
These are mini enterprise events which aim to introduce students to team working and communication skills.
At Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) events
Similar to a Mock Interview, employers will have 1:1 meetings with students to discuss and answer questions on careers in their industry.
EBSI contact companies and individuals several times throughout the year asking for volunteers for these events.
Companies and employees volunteering to help at any event will be contacted for confirming dates before the beginning of each term.
If you would like to be involved in any of our events please contact us for further information.
Follow the link for more information about Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG).