Could you give your time to be a school governor in an Ealing school?
The role of school governors has never been more important. Governors oversee the success of the school by agreeing the priorities and monitoring progress towards them. The role does not involve any of the day to day management of the school– that is the job of paid professionals but governance is about providing constructive support and challenge to the leadership team, enabling them to do their job to the best of their ability.
School governors are the largest volunteer workforce in Ealing. We have over a 1000 governors in Ealing and every school has a governing body made up of a wide variety of committed people from many walks of life with a mix of skills and experience. However, Ealing schools are always looking for exceptional individuals to become governors.
A governor can expect to volunteer for the equivalent of approximately 10 days/ 60 hours per year which includes time for meetings, background reading and school visits. The time commitment is likely to increase if the governor takes on the responsibility of chairing a committee or the governing body. The majority of meetings will be during a weekday evening with an occasional day visit to the school.
Working with SGOSS – Governors for Schools we would like to encourage more individuals from the community to consider becoming a governor. We see the importance of developing community links in Ealing and would like to ask local businesses to support schools by promoting the governor role to their employees. If you would like to find out more about becoming a school governor in Ealing please visit or