
Bamzonia – Financial Awareness

EBSI is working in collaboration with other organisations to provide education institutions and businesses access to a wider range of products and services.

With Bamzonia, EBSI are helping to provide a quality financial awareness package.

Bamzonia is an independent personal financial education platform linked to a 3D online game delivering a uniquely engaging and competitive learning experience for your students. Bamzonia is designed for students aged 8 -18 years old.

It is made up of 47 lessons over three levels accredited by the Pfeg and has been designed to give students a more detailed understanding of the financial.   The package includes all resource materials, all lessons plans and curriculum connected.

The online programme teaches lessons from coin recognition, at the bank, credit, pensions, wages, budgeting and saving and is designed to be delivered either to Primary, Schools, Colleges, Further and Higher Education sectors. Bamzonia integrates into school lesson plans, homework and after-school clubs.

Bamzonia is offering schools a FREE Trial for a month!

For further information please contact us.

For Bamzonia brochure click here.

for Bamzonia Teach Secondary Independent Review click here.